Swimming for Health
We’re in the warmer months of the year, and many people have been jumping into the water. But for those of you still on the fence, here’s some great reasons why your practitioner may have recommended swimming to help get your health back on track this Summer: 1 – It’s Brilliant for Your Cardiovascular Fitness […]
Can Osteopathy Help My Carpal Tunnel?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition which involves nerve compression in the wrist, resulting in pain, pins and needles and weakness in the hand.
Help – My Baby Has a Flat Head!
The medical term for a ‘flat’ or ‘misshapen’ head is plagiocephaly (plagios = crooked, kephale = head) which is defined as an abnormal head shape or deformity of the skull. A misshapen or flat head can be the result of several causes. It can be caused by the mechanical forces of the baby’s position during […]
Are Baby Walkers and Jolly Jumpers Okay for My Baby?
Sometimes parents ask me if baby walkers and jolly jumpers will help prepare their child for walking. It might seem that way but in fact frequent use may actually delay their normal development. When a baby is placed in a baby walker or jolly jumper they are put into a position that is not normal […]
Why Bring a Newborn to an Osteopath?
Some signs that may indicate that your newborn is suffering from a sore neck or sore back from the birth process or the babies position in utero may be an inability for your baby to breastfeed freely from one or both sides, that they constantly lay with their head positioned to the same side, intolerance to carseats or baby carriers, difficulty settling to sleep, or excessive crying for unknown reasons.