Tips to Boost Your Immune System

various citrus fruits to boost your immune system

Winter is Here… It’s that time of the year where you start to notice people sniffling, sneezing, coughing and blowing their noses. The colder weather always seems to bring with it an influx of cold and flu outbreaks doesn’t it?! Well the main reason for this is because your immune system isn’t quite firing on […]

Do Short Breaks Increase Concentration?

man at work struggling with concentration

Do you find yourself sitting at work, or studying, and an hour later you look at your watch and you have completed barely anything since the last time you looked at it? This is a form of fatigue. It is common for our brain to lack the ability to execute sustained attention and concentration for […]

The Importance of Stretching

Injury prevention and post exercise recovery is important for any athlete or individual that enjoys an active lifestyle, but does it matter if we skip our warm-up, or don’t have time for a cool-down with an sufficient stretch at the end of an intense work out? The difference between warming up stretches and cool down […]

Vitamin D: Do We Just Need More Sun?

Woman sitting in the sun getting some vitamin D

So most of us have heard the low-down on Vitamin D – but there’s a few things you might not know. For one thing, its technically a hormone and NOT a Vitamin. Vitamin D plays a huge role in our immune system function and although our Vitamin D production is naturally stimulated by sunlight exposure, we […]