Jaw Pain Is No Laughing Matter!

Animation of jaw pain

The Jaw is a bi-arthrodial hinge joint located below your temples on either side of your head. This joint can become dysfunctional due to overuse such as excessive chewing, teeth grinding, blunt trauma or overstretching such as that in dental procedures.

Pelvic Imbalance

illustration of a balanced pelvis

Very often in our clinics, we see people come in with pelvic asymmetry or imbalance. This can cause or aggravate any number of injuries and problems throughout the body. Why does this happen? Well, the most obvious answer is that the pelvis is a supportive structure, and when it’s restricted, the ability to provide that support can be significantly reduced. The pelvis helps with the movement of your legs and torso, whilst stabilising all your lower abdominal and pelvic organs; therefore playing a major role in fluid circulation. When the pelvis isn’t moving well, those areas are typically some of the first to be affected.

Lower Cross Syndrome

Office worker suffering from back pain due to lower cross syndrome

Joint movement is achieved by muscle contraction. However, what happens when this well-orchestrated biomechanical machine lacks synchronisation? The answer? Lower cross syndrome.

What is Scheuermann’s Disease?

Hunchbacked business woman with upper back pain

Scheuermann’s disease (otherwise known as Scheuermann’s Kyphosis) is not as scary as it may sound, and it should not be mistaken for a disease you can catch like the common cold or the flu.

What Is It?

Scheuermann’s is a spine defect where three or more consecutive upper back segments present with 5 degrees or more of anterior (front) wedging- this makes the person seem more hunched. Scheuermann’s disease is a common condition seen in young adults (12-16-year old’s) and is usually disregarded as poor posture. Unlike lazier counterparts, those diagnosed with Scheuermann’s disease are unable to completely correct their slouch, which results in their body compensating for this through their lower back and neck.

Whiplash: Signs and Symptoms

Man with neck pain and potential whiplash after a car accident

Whiplash is commonly caused by motor-vehicle accidents or sporting crashes (snowboarding, skating, bike riding) and can be a literal pain in the neck. Whilst whiplash is descriptive of an acute injury there are also many associated implications that can result, known as whiplash associated disorders (WAD) including motor, sensory, neurological, and psychological impairments.

Pandemic Posture

man with poor posture looking at phone on couch

Hey readers, it’s your favourite osteos checking in to see how you are going! It has been, and continues to be, uncertain times for many of us as the virus pandemic continues to sweep across the globe. Lockdown has meant many of us have had to batten down the hatches and re-discover what it means to be ‘at home’. We ask you the question “how is your body being affected by your pandemic posture?”

Let us take you on a scan of the body, focus on some potentially problematic areas, and give you some advice to avoid any long-term issues.

Understanding Concussion

animation of head injury causing concussion

A higher emphasis is being placed on concussion injuries, and for good reason. Although the long-term side effects of concussion are yet to be fully understood, traumatic injuries to the brain over short period of time can increase the likelihood of serious implications including neurological impairment and brain bleeding. The world is largely focusing on policies and gold standards towards the management, treatment and prevention of concussions and second impact syndrome (a secondary trauma to the head following a concussion).

Home Office Set-Up Improvements

man working on a laptop set-up in home office

It is very unsettling times currently and a lot of people who are lucky to still have their jobs are even luckier if they can work from home. But is your home office set-up optimal for you body, posture and concentration levels?

Having an ideal desk set-up is hard enough at times without the sudden shift in location due to this pandemic. However, having the right set-up can release pressure from sore shoulders and necks that are already under strain from our heightened levels of stress. Not only can poor ergonomics (work place design/equipment) cause new issues, it can make chronic issues like lower back pain from things such as injury, trauma or osteoarthritis more severe due to this added postural stress and strain.

Runners Knee? I’m Not a Runner!

photo of woman with sore runner's knee

You do not have to be a runner to develop runner’s knee. Runner’s knee is just the common name used to describe pain around the patella, more commonly known as the kneecap.

Sit-Stand Desks: The Pros and Cons

Business woman considering a sit-stand desk

Should I get a sit-stand desk?

Well, it depends.

The average worker can spend up to 75% of their day in a sitting or reclining posture.

Increased sedentary postures can increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders and chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Ten Tips for Back Care

Back pain affects 80% of the population at some time in their life. Here are ten tips on how to avoid hurting your back.

Why Is My Pelvic Floor So Important?

woman crossing her legs to hold in bladder leakage from weak pelvic floor

You may have heard a lot of people talk about how important it is to do pelvic floor exercises. But do you actually know exactly what your pelvic floor is and why it is so important for both women and men?   Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor Our pelvis is made up of 3 separate […]