Life Stages Blogs

baby crying with colic
Infants and Babies
Dr Patrick Callanan

How Do I Know if My Baby Has Colic?

Does your baby experience lots of wind, explosive poos, tummy pain? Squirms around in discomfort, cries inconsolably, is difficult to comfort? Cries and vomits after feeding, arches their back, has loud gurgling sounds in their tummy, or has a swollen or distended stomach?

If you answered yes to one or more of these symptoms it is quite possible that your baby is suffering from infantile colic.

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photo of infant-baby crying
Infants and Babies
Dr Patrick Callanan

Why Bring a Newborn to an Osteopath?

Some signs that may indicate that your newborn is suffering from a sore neck or sore back from the birth process or the babies position in utero may be an inability for your baby to breastfeed freely from one or both sides, that they constantly lay with their head positioned to the same side, intolerance to carseats or baby carriers, difficulty settling to sleep, or excessive crying for unknown reasons.

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