Exercise Posts


animation of head injury causing concussion
Head & Face
Dr Mitchell Evans

Understanding Concussion

A higher emphasis is being placed on concussion injuries, and for good reason. Although the long-term side effects of concussion are yet to be fully understood, traumatic injuries to the brain over short period of time can increase the likelihood of serious implications including neurological impairment and brain bleeding. The world is largely focusing on policies and gold standards towards the management, treatment and prevention of concussions and second impact syndrome (a secondary trauma to the head following a concussion).

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swimming for health man in pool
Dr Georgia Radic

Swimming for Health

We’re in the warmer months of the year, and many people have been jumping into the water. But for those of you still on the fence, here’s some great reasons why your practitioner may have recommended swimming to help get your health back on track this Summer: 1 – It’s

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photo of woman with sore runner's knee
Knee & Calf
Dr Jessica Inman

Runners Knee? I’m Not a Runner!

You do not have to be a runner to develop runner’s knee. Runner’s knee is just the common name used to describe pain around the patella, more commonly known as the kneecap.

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Dr Jessica Inman

The Importance of Stretching

Injury prevention and post exercise recovery is important for any athlete or individual that enjoys an active lifestyle, but does it matter if we skip our warm-up, or don’t have time for a cool-down with an sufficient stretch at the end of an intense work out? The difference between warming

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